Strategies for Designing Compelling Waiting Environments
Aidan Stofka
March 2022
Presentation setup with boards + final printed cards
Closeup of card setup at the show
Presentation setup with boards + final printed cards
Using the Cards to Design
Senior Show Presentation
The strategy cards being used during the design process
The strategy cards being used during the design process
Hi! My name is Aidan Anakin Stofka, and I'm very passionate about themed entertainment design, or any types of environments where storytelling and guest experiences are highly valued. In my personal life, I guess you'd commonly find me on casual adventures with loved ones, trying new foods from different cultures, playing games, very slowly learning new songs on the guitar, and watching random but educational stuff on youtube. I hope to create some grand, ambitious things in my soon-to-start career, but am also eager to find balance between creative life and just life, life.